I'M Gak MASDA






    Engineering devices and tools for Infectious Disease Control

    raised in the rice field

    noisy like a broken radio

    stuck in Tokyo since COVID-19 kicks in
    Malay English Japanese speaker

    Coffee and tea making (not drinking) fan

    researchgate researchmap.jp jglobal KAKEN linkedin

  • When you want travelling, but could not.

    A selection of short documentary movie and editorials I've been made while travelling :

    Longest long house in malaysia! , said. uma belor

    Kayan language speaking people dwell in this beautiful long stretched house. Uma Belun(Belor) Leodian, Sungai Asap, Sarawak, Malaysia length = 625m (claimed 1km) This is a one of the resettlement of bakun hydraulic power project in 1990's. In Sungai Asap village, there are 15 long houses includes this one, and all are built by government. Lands for fields also provided, but people claimed that it is not enough for their next generations. This video is to introduce their environment and atmosphere there. It takes 2hours car ride from bintulu. Also operates some home-stay which is very nice. If you are interested in their culture and modern history, society, definitely you should try. I had 3night and 4 days there.

    fun "Sirat" traditional martial arts of melayu culture

    Malaysian(Malay) traditional music and ritual for village wedding, a scene from fieldwork at a fisherman's island village near by tumpat, Kelantan, Malaysia.

    visual field notes series

    Kapit whalf sunset

    Let's visit inner Malaysia, inner Borneo through Sarawak.

    floating house over his old sunk house in a dam.

    Jelatong village, Belanum river, Bakun.

    Jelatong di Sungai (Sg.) Belanum Bakun Dam

    Rh Benjamin Angki, Iban longhouse,

    Rh Benjamin Angki, Iban longhouse,

    This house has a chief of Mr. Benjamin Angki, a beloved old man known as a powerful local leader.

    This long house operating home stay program. House master is very famous retired business man and his family has supported local catholic activity.


    You can visit and stay for days. one of my best recommendation for first timer. Children safety and no communicable disease record.



    ベトナム、カンボジアとの国境地帯 Bu Gia Mapにて

    Introduce Kalen Kan village, sepon, Lao RPD.

    extended version of laos malaria survey

    field survey and active case detection & on-site treatment

    Malaria Field Survey at three villages of Xepon, Laos 2014

    village life on tonle sap lake

    children plays volley ball, women go to selling fruits by bicycles, girl selling 6 notepad for US3$ as a set offering to local children. Kampong Phulk, Prasat Bakong, Siem Riep, Cambodia.

    boat rooftop sky view tonle sap, cambodia

    is just a sky with semi-fish eye lens. good time to take a nap. from port to Kampong Phulk village takes 60-80minutes.

    broken image



  • What I Do

    Enthusiastic engineer working on how to manage zoonotic infectious disease such as knowlesi malaria using drone, IoT, manipulation, sensor technology.

    • Multidisciplinary approaches to strengthen vector borne disease transmission study
      Vector borne disease study has been suffered due to insufficient researchers working on vectors, and is becoming incompatible with emerging infectious diseases. By introducing various new technology such as 3D printing, IoT, micro-climatorogical survey, I have been active on optimising field monitoring of mosquito activity and calling attention of researchers to join to this field of research from related fields of study.
    • Updating and sharing drone technology for field sciences

      By develop, maintenance, utilize survey technologies applicable with drone, I have been active to introduce new types of observing and sampling ecological data which has been innaccessible to the field sciences, then expand the region of non-human-centric knowledge and findings. I have been co-organizing research group on this topic which has more than 1000 membership.


    • 蚊媒介性感染症トランスミッション研究への多分野融合型アプローチ
    • ドローンのフィールドサイエンス活用
    • ロボット研究

    holiday activity:

    Piano repair, Photograph, 3D printing design things, bad bandneon player

  • Education 

    broken image

    Tsukuba University, Japan

    Masters of Literature (M.A) 1997-2000

    Social Anthropology of Religion, Comparative education

    broken image

    Tsukuba University, Japan

    Bachelor of Arts (B.A) 1993-1997

    Cultural Anthropology, History of folklore "anthropology-at-home" village survey, Bibliographical studies on Kunio Yanaghita

  • Reach Out

    Drop me a line so we can collaborate!